Musical Line I
Musical Line II
Wheels I
Wheels II
Pioneer I
These artworks belong to a series that reflect the creative process used by certain composers. As with most works of art, the process starts with an idea, which is further developed and expanded to produce a complete, cohesive whole. The lower works represent the initial ideaor the starting off point, and the upper works represent the completed composition.
Musical Line I & II
Aaron Copland writes that some composers start with a musical idea for a composition. He claims the composer likes to see the way [this idea] rises and falls, as if it were a drawn line instead of a musical one & [the composer] may even try to retouch/ improve it, just as you might in drawing a line.
Wheels I and Wheels II
These works are inspired by a visual descriptor used by Philip Glass and Aaron Copland in their writing about music. They both make reference to a metaphor of wheels within wheels or wheels inside wheelsas a compositional device to achieve form, structure and rhythm.
Pioneer I
Copland describes five types of composers in musical history: spontaneous, constructive, traditional, pioneer/experimental, and scientific. The pioneer type explores new harmonies, new sounds and develops new formal principles.
Mixed Media. Acrylic/ gypsum/ chalk pastels/ gesso on Masa Dosa handmade Japanese paper.
Two are mounted in one frame. Each image/ paper is 23 x 18 in; framed approx 26 x 40 in.